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Pioneering Sustainable Solutions with Mosquito Net Bags

Mosquito-borne illnesses pose a significant threat to public health, particularly in developing nations. Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) have proven highly effective

Simplex Chemopack: Delivering Versatile Packaging Solutions with BOPP Bags

We are focusing here on a widely utilized packaging solution offered by Simplex Chemopack: Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) bags. These

Our Expertise in Woven Fabric Solutions – Sulzer, Geotextile, and Ventilated Fabrics

Sulzer looms are renowned for their precision and efficiency, producing fabrics with exceptional quality and consistency. At Simplex Chemopack, we

Simplex Chemopack’s Oil Tray Bags: Prioritizing Safety and Security

The transportation and storage of oil present unique challenges. Leakage and spillage can have significant environmental and economic consequences. Therefore,

Our  Commitment to Sustainable Packaging: The Role of RPP in FIBIC

Polypropylene (PP) is a versatile polymer widely employed in various applications, including FIBICs. Recycled PP (RPP) represents a sustainable alternative,

Simplex Chemopack’s Take on Corporate Social Responsibility

In the world of FIBICs, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means a company integrates social and environmental concerns into its operations